Intro ¶
In this post we’re going to explore one of the many ways we can use Redis and Go to build something cool. Specifically, we’ll be building a distributed lock to prevent race condition between micro-services.
Redis ¶
Let’s start by looking at Redis. If you google it, the first result states that:
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geospatial indexes, and streams. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Redis Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster
Cool stuff right? What interests us are these two things:
- “in-memory data structure store”: meaning it’s extremely fast to retrieve and store values
- _“Redis has built-in […] Lua scripting”: it will come into play later on. For now, let’s just say it gives great flexibility
The need for a distributed lock ¶
In the era of micro-services, where everything is cloud based, the need for a distributed lock is more common than you might think.
For the sake of this example, we’re going to use two micro-services. For simplicity they both share the same codebase, but an environment variable determines which service is started:
type Service interface {
Start(context.Context) error
type ServiceName string
const (
FirstServiceName ServiceName = "service.first"
SecondServiceName ServiceName = "service.second"
func initService() (Service, error) {
cfg := configFromFile("./.env")
services := map[ServiceName]Service{
FirstServiceName: NewFirstService(cfg),
SecondServiceName: NewSecondService(cfg),
service, ok := services[cfg.Runtime]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown runtime: [%s]", cfg.Runtime)
return service, nil
func main() {
service, err := initServices()
if err != nil {
Let’s code! ¶
Now, pretend both micro-services, for some reasons, needs to access the same database.
Additionally, let’s pretend we want to run the database’s migrations inside our initService()
func initService() (Service, error) {
cfg := configFromFile("./.env")
db := NewDbConnection(cfg.DbSettings)
return service, nil
Easy right? But wait! Both services are going to run db.RunMigrations
and we have no way to know which service is going to reach this line first
Like any race condition, we solve this by putting a lock on the shared resource. Since we are dealing with micro-services running on two separate instances, we need to use a distributed lock!
Let’s start by defining what a lock should look like:
// UnlockFunc should be used to release a lock,
// its behavior must be kept internal to the implementation
type UnlockFunc func() error
// Locker offers the option to lock a key for a given amount of time
// after that time has passed, the lock should be released (to prevent deadlocks)
type Locker interface {
Lock(key string, timeout time.Duration) (UnlockFunc, error)
Nice! Now, for the actual implementation… A lock should perform an atomic operation, and here’s where Lua scripting comes into play!
const redisLockScript = `return'SET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], 'NX', 'PX', ARGV[2])`
If it looks scary, here’s a break-down of the script:
calls a Redis actionSET
is the Redis action we want to performKEYS[1]
takes the first (and only) key in the given listARGV[1]
takes the first argument, and maps it to the previously passed keyNX
only creates the Key-Argv mapping if it doesn’t already existsPX
sets a lifespan on the mapping. Takes one parameter: the lock durationARGV[2]
takes the second argument and uses it as the parameter forPX
In short: we are telling redis to set a key-value pair with an expiration date, if it doesn’t already exists (and it’s atomic)
We can use a similar approach for the unlock script:
// if the key is present, delete it
const redisUnlockScript = `
if"get",KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then
return"del", KEYS[1])
return 0
Before using these scripts, we need to do some interface magic around the ""
package infrastructure
// clientWrapper wraps the methods shared between redis.ClusterClient and redis.Client
// implements redis.scripter and is implemented by redis.Cmdble
type clientWrapper interface {
Ping() *redis.StatusCmd
Get(string) *redis.StringCmd
Set(string, interface{}, time.Duration) *redis.StatusCmd
Del(...string) *redis.IntCmd
Eval(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *redis.Cmd
EvalSha(sha1 string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) *redis.Cmd
ScriptExists(hashes ...string) *redis.BoolSliceCmd
ScriptLoad(script string) *redis.StringCmd
// RedisRunner describes the method we want to expose from the "go-redis/redis" client
type RedisRunner interface {
Run(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)
// RedisClient is the public implementation of RedisRunner using the underlying clientWrapper
type RedisClient struct {
client clientWrapper
// Run a given script
func (rc *RedisClient) Run(script string, keys []string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return redis.NewScript(script).Run(rc.client, keys, args...).Result()
We are now able to run our scripts in a nice and clean way:
package lock
// RedisLock implements the Locker interface using Redis
type RedisLock struct {
client infrastructure.RedisRunner
func (r *RedisLock) Lock(key string, timeout time.Duration) (UnlockFunc, error) {
val := uuid.NewV4().String()
res, err := rc.client.Run(redisLockScript, []string{key}, val, int(timeout/time.Millisecond))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if res != infrastructure.RedisResponseOk {
return nil, ErrUnableToLock
return rc.unlock(key, val), nil
func (r *RedisLock) unlock(key, value string) UnlockFunc {
return func() error {
res, err := rc.client.Run(redisUnlockScript, []string{key}, value)
if err != nil {
return err
if i, ok := res.(int64); !ok || i != 1 {
return ErrUnableToUnlock
return nil
Using the lock ¶
Amazing! Finally, we can see the lock at work:
func initService() (Service, error) {
cfg := configFromFile("./.env")
redisLock := lock.NewRedisLock(cfg.RedisSettings)
unlock, err := redisLock.Lock(cfg.MigrationLockKey, time.Minute*5)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer unlock() // not checking the error for brevity's sake
db := NewDbConnection(cfg.DbSettings)
return service, nil
That’s it: we now have a distributed lock, there’s nothing that can stop us! Unless…
Namespaces ¶
We might want to go the extra mile and use namespaces to further prevent collisions.
This change is pretty straight forward, we just need to wrap our RedisLock
and prefix each key with the namespace:
package lock
type NamespacedRedisLock struct {
namespace string
rl RedisLock
func (n *NamespacedRedisLock) prefix(key string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", n.namespace, key)
func (n *NamespacedRedisLock) Lock(key string, timeout time.Duration) (UnlockFunc, error) {
return n.rl.Lock(n.prefix(key), timeout)
Conclusion ¶
Today we learned about distributed locks, a very powerful and helpful tool for any developer. It might look like this is a bit of an overkill, but the distributed locks’ use-cases don’t just stop at synchronizing database’s accesses. Whether you’re working with an asynchronous architecture like an event-based system, or you need to coordinate a set of operations on the same resource, distributed locks offers lots of possibilities and are extremely relevant in the current world of micro-services.